Category: Easy Riddles

  • How much a mango costs?

    At my favorite fruit stand, an orange costs 18¢, a pineapple costs 27¢, and a grape costs 15¢. Using the same logic, can you tell how much a mango costs?

  • The violin lesson

    During Santiago’s violin lesson, Professor Arion suddenly said, “You really should play piano.”Santiago kept on playing the violin.Finally, Professor Arion clapped his hands and said, “Good!”What change had Santiago made in his violin playing?

  • How did he know?

    A man died and went to Heaven. There were thousands of other people there. They were all naked and all looked as they died at the age of 21. He looked around to see if there was anyone he recognized. He saw a couple and he knew immediately that they were Adam and Eve. How…

  • How can this be?

    A man was telling me on a particular occasion, “The day before yesterday I was 35 years old and next year I will turn 38.” How can this be?

  • The taxi driver

    Imagine you are a taxi driver and you are driving a 1978 yellow cab. Your passengers are an older couple, and they want to travel 6 miles. You are driving at 40 miles per hour with the tank one-third full, when, 2 miles into the trip, the tank is down to one-quarter full. Ten minutes…

  • How could all gain?

    Four men sat down to play,They played all night ‘till break of day.They played for gold and not for funWith separate scores for everyone.When they came to square accounts,They all had made quite fair amounts.Can you the paradox explain,If no one lost, how could all gain?

  • How can you explain this?

    The giraffe and its offspring are walking in a field. The little giraffe tells a friend, “I am the daughter of this giraffe, although this giraffe is not my mother.” How can you explain this?

  • How far does it travel?

    A billiard ball is struck without side so that it strikes all four cushions and returns to its starting position. In what direction is it struck, and how far does it travel?

  • How did he manage?

    Mr. Whimpy was terrified of the dark. When he went to bed, he would flip off the light switch on the far wall, then tear across the room to bed, 10 feet away. However, the other day, he flipped the switch, walked slowly to his bed, and climbed in before the room went dark. He…

  • Why don’t they get wet?

    Three mature and hefty women were walking in San Francisco under one regular size umbrella. Why don’t they get wet?